Steve Gonzalez and The Glenlivet …

‘Uber Cool’ Creative Steve Gonzalez in a new video diary partnership with The Glenlivet US, features the great track ‘Soul March’ by veteran jazz maestro Dick Walter from our Score 251 Small Group Jazz album, so a big thank you from us, to Steve and APM Music.
On his partnership with The Glenlivet Steve says “As a Creative Director no two days are the same and the days are full of creative challenges. Some days are spent brainstorming, others styling for sets, while others are spent reviewing drafts, attending photoshoots, finalizing visions and visuals. Every time I step into the creative space, I incorporate previous experiences, love and passion for what I do. My job displays an array of previous experiences, emotions and storytelling through my eyes. That’s how I create my legacy and make it extraordinary. That’s why The Glenlivet resonates with me as I enjoy sharing the same passion, expression and history. Break away from the ordinary and make any day extraordinary with ‘the one and only’ The Glenlivet and create your own legacy.”

Creative Director: Steve Gonzalez
Video by: Derek Siyarngnork
Styled by: Steve Gonzalez
Partnership with The Glenlivet US
Placement thanks to: APM Music

Score 251 / Small Group Jazz
A varied collection of themes and atmospheres for a classic small jazz ensemble. Line-ups include piano trio through to a seven-piece.

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